Filtering by Category: sweepings
Photograph/Screencap (Pink House, Red Sky) 2015
(PHOTOGRAPH) Studio Sweepings: Studio Sweep, 2015, New Jersey
Photograph (Point, Counterpoint) 2014
Work On Work: Counting, Black
Work On Work: Counting, Yellow
(PROJECTS/VIDEO) Slop Sink Faucet Drip No.1 and No.2, 2014, NJ
PHOTOGRAPH (Stair Watercolor), 2014, South Korea
PHOTOGRAPH (Ceiling Watercolor), 2013, NJ
PHOTOGRAPH (Wishing Currency), 2014, South Korea
PHOTOGRAPH (One [Hand] with Not One), 2014
STUDIO SWEEPINGS/ORTS: Photograph (One [Hand] with Not One) 2014